Fuel For Ultimate Well-Being

Fuel for Ultimate Well-Being

Ultimate well-being relies on the food you eat throughout the day.

I’ll be honest. I am terrible at living; you know, the day-to-day. That’s because I spent almost my entire life travelling, working like a fiend, and eating out with people. Then the pandemic hit and SMACK! I had to go to the grocery store — my first job was a shelf manager in High School and I got fired so I always hated the roaming the aisles of a supermarket.

So when I finally got there, I walked around aimlessly. It wasn’t an African supermarket and there were tons of choices to make. I could buy more fizzy sugar water or what they say is better for you, corn syrup sugar water. There were countless options of cereals, snacks, drinks, condiments and more. Lucky to live in the USA, I thought. My brain spun and danced. ADHD kicked in and I was doing pirouettes in the aisles. I didn’t want any of this shit. But, I needed fuel for ultimate well-being.

(By the way, there is now non-sugar, fizzy water that’s amazing by Jocko.)

What makes all of that worse is that diet trends fade by the day and since I’m always trying to reduce my love handles, I don’t know which one to follow. One day coconut oil is the healthiest thing on the planet, the next it’s in the elephant graveyard of superfoods past. The next day low carb is the trend until you hit the third day and nearly pass out in exhaustion during your workout. What on earth should I eat?

Some fitness experts say to think of food as fuel, and nothing else. This is a fundamentally flawed view. There is a reason we enjoy eating, and if we eliminate the positive emotional associations we have with food and sharing meals it can leave us feeling deeply unfulfilled. Not only are the right inputs are fuel for Ultimate Well-Being physical, but beyond that, it helps the mental, emotional, social and even spiritual realms.

What we want to accomplish is the following:
  1. Maximize morning energy
  2. Optimize day time energy
  3. Slow down at night
  4. Diss the trends
  5. Savor the special times
  6. Automate your diet

Remember, winning the mornings is key to your ultimate well-being. In the morning, load up on what I call morning superfoods, full of protein and vitamins. Kick the cereals, wheat, muffins, and sugars. Sugars slow you down after the spike. If you like cereal, check out Magic Spoon. If you worked out before your coffee drink a protein shake. I’ve tried many but recently loving Jocko’s Molk. If you need a mental kick, then add some MCT oil to your coffee. I like this one. Trust me, it works!

 During the day, do this: 
  1. Drink More Water — You’ve been told to do it but don’t. Download a water reminder app.
  2. Eat smaller meals (2-3x)
  3. Eat superfoods higher in Potassium and Magnesium like Kale, nuts, seeds and avocados. It will sap your food craving. Or, take a supplement.
  4. Last caffeine call at 3 PM, please! If you need a pick me up, try the new no sugar fizzy pop by Jocko. 
  5. Then start to drink low caffeinated tea or one my favorites, Mudwater. 

Once you are off to a good start, keep in mind that eating well-balanced meals rich in fruits and vegetables has long been known to promote higher levels of performance, and lower levels of depression. A healthy relationship to food improves longevity, immune function, even relationships and careers. Don’t compromise for candy bars and quick energy sugar highs! How does this fit into our UWB?

Our brains are the control systems of our body, and as such need “premium” fuel––requiring up to 20% of the total energy we consume! The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in balanced diets sustain and nourish our brains, even protection from the negative effects of stress. Serotonin, the “happy chemical,” is actually produced en masse in our gastrointestinal tracts! As such, it is deeply influenced by the massive amounts of good gut flora that aid our digestive processes.

What does that mean? Eat more kale, berries, nuts (not peanuts!) and seeds. Even better throw it in a shake. Email me for the Superfood Smoothie Recipe: kurt@kdalive.com.

Eat socially. Slow down at night and don’t eat alone! Start your evening meal off by drinking water. Try to find someone to eat with and reflect on the day.

Eat spiritually. Savour the good parts of the meal and let the other person know what parts of the meal you really enjoy. These type of social and spiritual activities will provide fuel for your well-being, above and beyond the nutrients. 

Let me know what you think!


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