Seasonal Change of the Fish – Sashimi
Seasonal Change of the Fish – Sashimi
One thing you may notice when living in Japan is the seasonal chang of types of sushi or sashimi.
This is best exemplified by the Edo Period “Hatsumono” Fish Calendar to demonstrate how food changes every season in Japan. Before you go, make sure to check out which fish are ‘in-season’.
The summertime fish have come out in Japan so we went to a nice sashimi restaurant. We ate aji, cochi, isaki, and Katsu-Maguro. The cochi was unexpectedly chewey and aji was very fresh. We ate shrimp that was still living, a swordfish head, and for dessert a bowl of uni rice.
Shibuya doesn’t only have steak but also great sashimi. You love sashimi? Come here. This place serves a ‘Sashimi Mountain’ of the freshest in season fish.
今回は渋谷イカセンターに行きました。ここはイカ料理のとても美味しいレストランです。最初に刺身の鬼盛(Sashimi Mountain)が出てきます。どれも新鮮でおいしいのですが、全ての魚の名前を覚えることが出来ません。メインのイカの刺身は、北海道産のスルメイカでした。透き通った見た目どおり、甘くスッキリとした味です。その他にも、イカの天ぷらや牡蠣の酒蒸しなど贅沢なコースですが、なんと4500円です。コストパフォーマンスは最高だと思いす。