Posts Tagged ‘nepal’
Enlightenment in the Kathmandu Valley
Wellbeing insights from Kathmandu, Nepal: • Understanding Nepalese Culture: Meeting truly genuine and humble people who do their best and stay happy on the journey. • Entrepreneurship: Focusing on the environment and betterment for all. • Perspective: Hearing about the caste system and realizing how lucky we are in the USA to have an equal…
Read MoreWant to Volunteer in Nepal? Here is a List of Non-Profits
Want to Volunteer in Nepal? Here is a list of non-profits from the embassy. 1. BASE 2. BSP Nepal Biogas Support Programme 3. CEHURDES Center for Human Rights and Democratic Studies 4. CMF Centre for Micro-Finance in Nepal 5. Communicaction Corner 6. CVICT 7. CWIN 8. COPPADES 9. Didibahini 10. Ecohimal 11. Educate the Children…
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