

Traveling can enhance your well-being by giving you different life perspectives, showing you an appreciation for what you have and also may not have, respecting other cultures, and challenging you outside your comfort zones. As a society, we should encourage each other to experience more of our own countries and then branch out to other parts of the world.

Isolation Survival Guide


Traveling can enhance your well-being by giving you different life perspectives about how people live, relate, and work together. That perspective may give you an appreciation for what you have — and also may not have; it will also introduce you to  another's culture and challenge you to push outside your comfort zones.

As a society, we should encourage each other to experience more of our own countries and then branch out to other parts of the world. This page shows what I've learned through my travels and also some great travel advice. The most salient of which is don't be afraid to travel without a plan —only then will you uncover and discover knowledge of the local land.