Overland from Livingstone to Cape Town

Traveling Overland from Livingstone to Capetown for 30 days with a Dozen Strangers  Traveling in Africa solo is difficult so Overland Bus is convenient Most Meaningful Experience: Learning patience and tolerance with my crew! Most meaningful experience: – Take a scenic flight over the Okavango Delta to wildlife spot from the air – Learn about…

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Discovering Mugabe’s legacy in Zimbabwe

Discover Mugabe’s Legacy in Zimbabwe Working with very inspiring and innovative entrepreneurs Most Meaningful Experience: Traveling across Zimbabwe with friends and then, by bus and learning about what happened during the Mugabe Regime. Top tips: – Go trekking through the mystical Nyanga National Park (just not after dark!) – Explore the western-styled city of Bulawayo…

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Overland Trip: Zambia to South Africa Trip Dossier

Overland Trip Dossier: Zambia to South Africa This is our overland trip itinerary.Victoria Falls to Cape Town 21st February – 20th March 2017 NOMAD CONVOY is a tailored networking adventure safari for entrepreneurs & digital nomads, put together for you by NomadXplore, and operated in cooperation with Nomad Adventure Tours (www.nomadtours.co.za) and Greenpop (www.greenpop.org) Partaking…

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