Introductory Guide to Ultimate Well-Being

Ultimate Well-Being

Ultimate Well-Being gives you a framework to learn how to control your well-being. There is so much information out there and it’s difficult to parse through it all. So we help you to figure out what is best for you to live your best life.

1) An Introduction to UWB

We believe you are a complete person and that true well-being should reflect that. The UWB framework consists of 6 variables (physical, mental, emotional, social, professional, and spiritual). Many philosophers, spiritual leaders, and psychologists have laid the groundwork for well-being; now, at UWB, we put it all together into an easily understood framework. The list is too long so we won’t list them out here; as you go through the program, we will cite and reference them, pointing you in a direction to learn more if you wish.

This is the most holistic framework in the market. We will offer different courses that will cover different variables so be sure to know which ones you will focus on. By controlling each variable independently, we can lift up overall well-being. That’s right, you can control your well-being; we want to help you focus on what you can control. This will be a major theme going forward. Control for each variable independently and your overall well-being will rise.

Why do we do this? There is a lot of information out there—especially when it comes to wellness—and sometimes it’s difficult to know what’s real, who to trust, and what to do. This framework helps you to remember that your well-being is tied to more than just your body or your job. It distills the information and provides it to you in bite-sized amounts so that you can apply it one variable at a time. The framework creates a construct for you to control your well-being.

Our program is multifaceted. In addition to using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), we include other exercises that will help you, like meditation, breathwork, journaling, ice baths, dancing, and calling your friends (instead of texting them). How novel!

The main goal of our Free and Level 1 program is to help you build a better daily flow. From the very first lesson, we’ll focus on increasing awareness of what optimizes your well-being, and then making the right adjustments to move towards those goals. We teach you to do this methodically.  Notice that we don’t say ‘happy’; we strive for a flow state, mindfulness, and consistent balance. That’s the end game.

Ok, our minute or two is up

2) What You Need to Do

Your tasks take five to ten minutes each day. Work on 1-2 lessons, check-in, and join a zoom call each week. Do that and you’ll see a marked improvement in your well-being.

Each lesson takes 2-3 minutes of your time, so you can go as fast or slow as you’d like. After each lesson, take a minute to check-in and journal your activities for the last few hours. Sometimes we’ll give you a prompt for your journal entry or ask you to write about a certain topic, like what your thoughts are in the morning or writing your accomplishments for the day. Soon, we will have audio and video courses that you can listen to or watch. Those will take a few minutes as well.

Keep your journal entries all in one place on the website so that you can reference them. During classes, we will insert prompts for you to the journal; do it right then and there. Over time, you’ll see your thoughts change, make notes on what works and what doesn’t, and finally see the progress you are making. So keeping a small journal will be helpful in the long run.

During courses, you can join a Zoom call/class, that will review the information covered and more importantly, provide a forum to discuss your progress and experience with others. We will also have additional community sessions, which offers an open forum for discussion, networking, and sharing. We believe providing support is an essential part of reaching a flow state and improved well-being. Our virtual community creates a space for connections with other users and a platform for support and encouragement.

Last, the more information you give us the more we can help you. Our goal is to create a well-being formula that works for you. The more often you check-in and fill in your activity journal, the more we can help!

3) The Process: Awareness, Accept, Adjust, Action

The UWB process repeats a sequence of Awareness, Acceptance, Adjustment, Action. Become aware of what is good for you, accept your current state, adjust your habits, then take action. Pertaining to each variable, we go through this process over and over.

Awareness: The basis of the entire program is awareness; the more you become aware of what is happening the more quickly you can adjust and take action for change!

The first step in controlling your well-being is becoming aware of it. This is why we check-in: We want to teach you to draw correlations between what you do and how you feel.

Accept: Once you become aware, you can accept the situation at hand. Accepting is the basis for making adjustments. From the Buddha to Alcoholics Anonymous, acceptance is an important step in recovery and change.

Without this, you won’t have the desire nor be convinced that you should make the changes. We also teach self-compassion and self-forgiveness as a means of acceptance so that you can move on.

“Acceptance is necessary for your healing process. To practice acceptance, you must acknowledge all of the uncomfortable parts of yourself: your emotions, your thoughts, and your past.” – Fellowship Hall of Addiction and Recovery

Adjust: Adjusting your well-being really means creating new habits. Some of these habits are things you know you should do; others are things you aren’t even aware of yet. Part of adjusting is learning new information. The more you learn, the more you know how to adjust, become aware of what you are doing, and then you can take action for lasting changes.

Action: Now, we take action. These are simple steps that will make your life simpler, focused, and de-cluttered. The key to success is to maintain a bit of focus and stamina for a few minutes per day until you complete each course.  As we progress through successive stages, you will begin to take charge of your routine and use tools to boost Ultimate Well-Being. These tools include check-in and journal forms, a goal-setting plan, free content and more. UWB will enhance these tools consistently on its applications.

4) Why and How to Check-In

The basis of our program is checking in with yourself. The more you do it, the more you will become aware of what makes you well. What do I mean by well? I mean a steady, balanced state with a healthy body, clear mind, and balanced emotion.

So, the more you check-in the more we can give you feedback on what you need to do to increase your well-being score. This is the foundation to our program. It may seem tedious or useless but if done correctly it will help.

Our goal is to get to a steady 4-5 check-in flow. Here is what the number means.

i – Very bad/poor mood: You are in a very bad state of health. If you check-in here too many times, you need to see a Doctor immediately.

Physical Habits: Non-existent. You are not exercising at all. Your diet is extremely poor. Your sleep schedule is wildly erratic.

Mental: You have very negative thought spirals

Emotional: You’re experiencing very depressed emotions or rapidly fluctuating anxiety / depression

Socially: You feel like there is no one to support you.

ii – Not in a good mood: You are in a bad state of health and need help stopping the negative trend.

Physical Habits: Your Health/habits are falling apart — you may stay in bed too long or not get enough sleep.

Mental: Your mind wanders 40% of the time. Your thoughts are negative and tend towards more negativity. You may be aware of these thoughts but are having a hard time stopping them.

Emotional:  You are feeling anxious or depressed – there is certainly not enough joy in your life.

Social: You have social connections that are bothering you and taking energy from you.

iii – Doing OK: Feeling ok, but could improve

Physical habit: You aren’t feeling very healthy but not terrible. Perhaps you need to snap out of a poor routine.

Mental:  Your mind wanders occasionally, and you aren’t totally present.

Emotional: You feel a bit out of whack; something is not right, and you may need an adjustment.

Social: Your relationships are fine but may feel shallow, like loose ties.

iv – Good flow rhythm: You are in a good rhythm and generally in a good flow.

Physical habits: You are in a good routine. You’re mostly sticking to your diet and exercise goals and you usually get enough sleep.

Mental: Your thoughts are focused on your work and you are in the moment. Your state of mind is good.

Emotional: You’re feeling steady without too many ups or downs. You are largely in control; however you’d like to control your responses even more quickly than you do.

Social: You usually feel connected to those around you, and balanced in your relationships. You have some community involvement.

v – Pure flow state and thriving: You are on top of your game. Everything is ticking just right.

Physical: You are in a great routine. You’re consistently working out, sleeping and eating well.

Mental: Your mind is crystal clear and very focused on the task at hand.

Emotional: You feel very balanced with limited fluctuations in your emotions. You quickly detect when you feel an emotion and insert a response.

Social: Your support group and friends are solid and you’re deeply connected to the community.

5) Activity Journal: What Have You Been Up To

When you check-in, write what you have been doing for the last 4-6 hours. This can be in 280 characters — the length of a tweet! Be as detailed as possible so you can start to figure out what things you do create positive feelings.

Furthermore, this journal can serve as a diary of sorts. Jot down your thoughts, social interactions, spiritual musings, and whatever comes to mind at that check-in. By doing that, you’ll start to become aware of recurring thoughts and patterns that you may want to reflect on during future lessons.

It’s important to note that when you check in then journal, the more you give us, the more we can help you. Focus on writing keywords in your journal. Here are a few examples:

For example, in the morning, you checked in at 3 PM and you said you were drinking coffee and your mind was wandering. We can help find ways for you to boost up your morning.

For example, if you check-in at 2, and you say that you’ve been regretting something like not taking a job… we know that regret is in your stream consciousness, so we will provide you an exercise to help you rationalize that regret.

For example, if you check-in at 4 and you were playing ukulele, do more of what you love and add that to your program.

For example, if you check-in at 2 and you are angry because of something. We will provide you with some exercises or advice on how to relieve the anger. For example, we may suggest forgiveness or self-compassion meditation.

Quickly, you’ll become aware of things that increase your moods and decrease your moods. Then you’ll ask yourself, “Why don’t I do more of that?” So do more of it! You will also start to realize things that make you unhappy or unwell. Naturally, you’ll start to do less of those. 

As you do more levels in Ultimate Well-Being, we’ll use this journal for gratitude, accomplishment, perspective and more. You’ll have it all in one place forever!

6) First Exercise: Check-In and Journal Exercise

Let’s start now. Go ahead, exit this and check-in.  For your first activity journal entry, answer this question, “What brought you here today? Why are you here?” That’s your why. That’s it. Keep it simple!

Here are some examples:

I can’t seem to get out of bed quickly. I need a better morning routine.

I dwell a lot about negative thoughts. I want to stop those.

I don’t have a lot of friends or support. I’d like to meet people with a similar mindset.

I feel pretty good, but I want to feel great.

In our free sections we’ll give you some of our foundational ideas so that you can build on top of it. This is the foundation of your habits that we will continually stack on.



Daily Checkin Form

Choose how you’re feeling*






What have you been up to the last few hours?*


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