Denmark: Daintiness, Designs, and Delectables
Denmark is a city for people with tastes of delectable design and dainty appetites.
In only two days, i had a wonderful experience traversing through the city, peeping in small shops, and experiencing the cities first snowfall – which was strange since it was the last week of January. Again, just another example of the effects of global warming.
I had left anticipating some snow but not this much of flurry. After walking about an hour from the hotel on Stroget Street, the snowfall strengthened. At that time, the streets suddenly filled with people who were walking about and enjoying drinks and food outside. They were celebrating the snow! I was clearly the tourist and kept running from store to store to stay warm and eat Danish treats. Danish treats, croissants, and snacks are delicious. Being stuck in the snow with only a hooded sweatshirt forced me to shop even more – no complaints – and i did eventually buy a nice scarf, a jacket, and a cool wallet for my credit cards. For some reason, spending more money also made me warm :). I was clearly the tourist – when am i not!
This shopping experience also opened my mind to the unique consumer designs in Denmark. They are very unique in their designs of consumer products, clothes, and arts. I wanted to learn more about this. In fact, i sat next to a software product designer on the plane to SF and he told me that product design is a strength of Denmark Universities. Several companies including his video conferencing software company had product design and engineering in Denmark.
On Sunday, the weather cleared and i did a typical tour of the city. I walked to the symbolic row of colored houses on the waterfront. In the picture, the bottom of that white building there is red awnings has great ice cream shop. I then went south to Christianshavn and on the way eat here next to Opera House They have all types of food. Just north of there is Freetown – the land of artists, coffee, music, hippies and hipsters, and small talk. No pictures or people will yell at you! It reminded me of a Mission/Castro District, SF in Denmark. Unfortunately the rental bikes did not accept my CC so i could only walk the city. I did make it north to the residential areas. People were extremely nice and open to giving directions and even getting to know me.
One last note, i stayed at a very cool, boutique hotel called Hotel SP34. It was super cool and they served the original Pop Tarts.
Many people asked if i ate at Noma but i did not. I’ll save that for the next trip and a nice date.
I visited Denmark January 23rd of 2015.