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I have spent my career starting, helping, or investing in new businesses. Entrepreneurship is taking off around the world and many, even in the poorest countries look up to the most successful entrepreneurs in the US and China. I speak about three areas of entrepreneurship: 1) Business Development / Sales for Startups 2) Entrepreneurship Around the World and 3) Success & Inspiration.

How to Close a Deal with Apple and 100 Other Tech Companies.
By combining strategy, finance, and international development, you can build the base to close any deal with the largest of companies. Over the last twenty years, I've worked in technology related finance, business development, and international expansion for start-ups. I've helped companies expand across Asia (lived there 10 years), Europe and Middle East. I have articles and materials to share with you so you can learn how to be a great deal closer and propel your company to success.
Entrepreneurship in the Toughest Environments
I have taught and worked with entrepreneurs across Africa, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, SE Asia, and China. Entrepreneurship is growing rapidly across the world - even in some of the poorest countries. Entrepreneurs want to solve local problems where governments fail. They also want to employ people, foster community, and control their own financial destiny. Many of these entrepreneurs look to Western or Chinese entrepreneurs for guidance, stories, and advice. In this section, I share these stories and also projects from around the world.
What is Success and How Do We Define It?
This is the most important question any individual can ask himself/herself. I asked this question to many as I traveled through Africa and other parts of the world. Listening to them helped me to come to a different conclusion of how I define my success. In my speaking engagements, I challenge the norm and draw new conclusions about how each can define success.